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remember you have to press d first or it will not launch.

good rocket, not sure why it exploded though lol. :tup:
maybe you'll make it where the tatra has interchangeable features, like you can change out the wheels for tracks and add things to the bed like a rocket engine, missile launchers, cranes, tanks, etc.
it goes pretty slow for a missile.
really cool, but the main rocket fires a little late, it should fire either at the peak of the eject or before the peak.
infinite explosion!:coolgrin:
still is poorly done on the hills, either align the boxes correctly or cut out a box with a circle.
after a few tries the car managed to get to the other side of the pit somehow, with a board in it's windshield and the frame bent and some of the body gone lol.

yeah the tracks came off unexpectedly... I'll have to try again?
The one that's placed at the center does not disappear, it is removed. When you start up algodoo it will automatically place 4 black remove planes around the origin of the game world. These are pretty far out so you will most likely not come in contact with them. The circle at the center of the larger circle is traveling so fast it will cover the distance in one instance or tick of the game engine, which looks instantaneous. It is traveling so fast because of the equation to find gravitational force which is F=(G*m1*m2)/d^2.
If your distance is very close to 0, you will get very large forces. If you remove the four walls you will see that it traveled into the third quadrant with EXTREME speeds. Hope I could help.
my first successful was 14.8
kinda cool with all the different designs
Very good design and well built besides the treads, they only spazzed for me, but never failed.
hah the only nonviolent dynamite scene
I think i'm going to be sick
That background, how do you achieve it?
why must I use a and d to zoom when I already have a scroll wheel?
You did a great job on this train.
Another amazing scene by messiah, and an epic video by crytek. Thanks!
I wonder if -AceSniper- noticed that you can draw objects and drop them in and they will be chopped up.
Not exactly a new form of suspension, cars, trucks, suvs, vans, halftracks, tanks, airplanes, apcs, jeeps, and most other types of vehicles have used this type of suspension before.
hello captain, we will inspect the human body press 1 to start!
Now, we in the body, press 2 to open the mouth, much success!
Oh no! you're caught in the stomach, what now? press 3 to escape.
Well, you only have to press 4, in the last area to go.

Translated by Google
It is supposed to do that. The tracer lays down another line every ten milliseconds. At 6000 rpm you make a full revolution every ten milliseconds. That means that the position of the tracer does not change which may appear that the wheel is not moving. The game updates at a maximum 100hz or 100 frames per second by default, which is a new frame every ten milliseconds which is how long it takes for the wheel to go around one time. If you wanted the tracer to update every millisecond the game would get very slow because every second 1000 traces were being made. Even then if you had a wheel that had a speed of 60000 rpm it would appear that the tracer was not moving at all. I hope this helped.
I didn't know we had attraction in 3.5-4.22
the normal bullet isn't a bullet it's buckshot and the special bullet is a normal bullet
@sheepborg Press w, a, and i to fly pretty straight.
10/10, was an amazing journey from start to end! Please continue these brilliant courses!
This is actually worse on the cpu than a normal piston, it has to do the physics for 48 hinges, 2 cables, and a spring, it has 275 narrow collision tests, and then has to render the hinges, fixates, springs, and 31 boxes. With a normal crank system you'll only have only 3 hinges, 2 contacts, and it only has to render the hinges and 6 geometries. Your thing may look cool but it's not efficient at all.
level 3 isn't passable
Last edited at 2010/02/05 20:04:17 by LuckOrLoss
An out of place piston is easy to fix. If this ever goes out of place it's a mess to fix.
are all of the guns supposed to fire backwards?
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