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I can't understand this game! it says thing like "what do you do" but how to do it?

I think i missed something xD how can it affect the gameplay if it's just RPG
How do you create variables?! I searched hard but did not find! :(
just go to console and type "myvar = myvalue"
myvar is your variable name and myvalue is the value you enter in, it can be

-a number (1,50,99454)
-a boolean(true or false)
-a string("lol", "Timmy!!! TIMMMYYYYY!", "wtf");
-an array( [0,0,0,0] for color, [5,1,true,"lol"])
Lol you took my color analyzer xD

Cool someone used it to make it even cooler:D
Great, but this is buggy, it can only turn to right(no negative value is available, or reverse motor)
ok redling!!!
Can you give me the code you used to use the mouse position please? That would be great! :D
Thank you a lot!
Lol you fail, you can not set the speed to a negative number, you have to put ccw to true or false. I'm gonna fix it for you!
You could convert 8 bits into hexadecimal code and then use it as ascii or ansi, to store text, and eventualy print it in a square
conundrumer made a cool robotic arm yes, but this one is using variables. But yeah i think you both are great. I'm checking conundrumer page every day xD