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Hey guys! Yes I'm quite common with the Algodoo interface! I created a lot of scenes with the former Phun program and im glad its working out with algodoo too!

I hope everything is the way you like is! If you have suggestions about other great man made contraptions, please let me know!:)

Have you guys seen my new "water irrigation wind/water-mill"?
pnvv: I like the borders.. So its up to you to remove them:) Without the borders some effects (like with wooden beams) will have less space in the 3D feeling id like to create (for how far I can go with that) Though its just a feeling, and ofcourse its all just suggestions.
I like art style a lot, but dont tell me how a windmill works:P with all respect, I know, but I also know I can not manage that in Algodoo. So If you can do better, please, be my guest and fix it for me!
Thanks for this kind motivation, -Scientific Accuracy-

Im looking forward to learn about the unlimited water source script and I'd like to add it when I'm up for it!

Waaw Xray, thats great! I hope you dont mind, iI use your scrip and change some of your artwork to give it a try!

The only think Im scared for is that I dont like that the wind will be blowing alle the other loose objects of my mill house
This is getting me somewhere guys!
I fixed also a brake system on the next update, and the reverse mechanism works with weights too. I hope to upload it with the wind power add.
how can I add script to water?
An other question.. I added some more functions to the windmill, but Its in an other file,.. How can I overwrite this one and put it online?
Just a day or two:)

Hi Xray,

I have some, but they still dont work properly. Im kinda a man of the details.. if you haven't noticed:D And I'm still not satisfied. I haven't had any other registers before, but I have used the Phun version for some time. Though I had never found the option to share with a community before,.. my mistake I guess. Im not a real community person, but I like to give people the best experience with what I make. Physics simulators really interest me, because everything is possible to make.
