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umm unneeded
phun 5 has a gear tool
and I saw this idea on youtube sos
3/10 due to non origonal idea
I like this the fireing pin gets jammed lots though same as him 8/10 good job
nice start man good job :tup:

try to work on mag loading though
ill only tell you this high mark
Phun you have no grammer eiter
pretty nice but make it transform back
this is very nice but is it a real gun and btw I love your mecanisam for it not to fire untill its done cocking
I made a 1-way gear with the rachet
this is quite nice but simple I like it
you should have put an on colide script when you get out for it to go normal but otherwise this is great
for you 10/10
great effort
hey nubs pull the grey ball by the door when the keys in
nice but change the door so it opens real like
and also make it easyer to close the door
Last edited at 2009/08/01 15:37:53 by Alex22000
whats the point of number 2 (besides it makes it more realistic)
thank you for the translation its looking promising could you translate that for him
pretty nice ignor emil fan hes a nub for 2 reasons 1 he says it suks cause hes probly jealous and for 2 his username obveously anyone who likes phun must like emil
lol I did didnt I
but I didnt tyry them out cause im lazy but I see now I wish I could change my rating D:
nice job after 8 it messes up but other wise simple yet efective
lawl the other transformer the broken one isd the same thing except without a bunch of parts
nice job para I understand it except for one part

wait nvm I get it now I fully understand this
Last edited at 2009/08/11 00:14:30 by Alex22000
now im going to rate it ten:P
looking promising 10/10:D
not refering to this one impeticular but is scripting alowed?
comment plz
garret wth he never said it was an m1 -.- dont be a spoiled baby
thats what he made this colab for
nice job lowlol and everone from the colab 10/10
ryan u nub it is not pointless I uploaded it to show someone somthing and go look at some other scenes like a picture theres no point in that

you rated it a 2 for that if you think its pointless dont rate it at all
Last edited at 2009/08/17 16:16:39 by Alex22000
yuras could you try and make a gun restetutoin powerd with a hammer I thinkyou have the ability give it a go let me know if you dont get what I meen btw nice gun very nice
check out my more stable versoin and normal sized gears toobad conuns gears wouldent work with it
how does it work?
I forgot to give credit to lowlol for rachet (I moddifyed)
so theres his credit
ra2lover said it but ill say it again
you copied my disigin didnt you?
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