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could u give us an estimate time for sc 11 cos its annoying me that your lately making rubbish uploads:tdown: (no offence) :coolgrin:
make a sc that has bombs and stuff that blows up into pieces:lol: :D

do u still have exams:tdown:
hate exams:tdown:
3rd comment havn't played it yet but looks cool:tup:
its a good game but its a bit short:D
i think you should try find something you like making becase i think you have done all you can with sc
Its an awsome upload:lol:
but what are the 2 siloettes on the back of the ship:s
It would be really cool if you could make a working version were you could shoot other ships down :*) :*) :lol:
looks cool:tup:
its an awsome upload:cool: how come you other guys didn't comment on other uploads you guys are not showing much support to the creator i was the only one commenting:angel:
cool really awsome make another one plz _o_ _o_ 8| :coolgrin:
make more cars like loads of vehicles that would be cool:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_ _o_
please could you make it not number pad cos i got laptop :grr: