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chua in south texas
the visible version cannot be published for reasons I have no knowlege of exept that they exist
lime fell off in the place to the right of where it was supposed to go, I reccomend tring the grid
I tried this with 10 times as many cannon balls, also check out my cannon in sad cannon story
did you watch all the way through?
there is no suprise you just fall to your death
I somehow managed to survive and get back to the start after going out the bottom hole, but can you please put a real suprise at the end?
try glueing to background instead of fixateing and use the grid
is mars actually there?
I put a disk in and accedentally broke the inside of the computer:P
when is the next one?
linear is almost as mesmeriseing (I hate spelling) as the quadratic version! ;-]
may I please use this for one of my projects?
I almost crashed into the killer plane
misspeled algicosathlon oops.
I beleve that would be decade and what is phun anyway?!?!?!?!?
may I please use this?
can I use your elevator?
this is not realistic
thank you for reporting me I will now not do algicosathlons
I cheated to see what the most possible points were and if you are perfect it is possible to get 6760 points (though it may not be physicly posible)
UnityDogGaming04, I made this a freefalling elevator!
for some reason after I changed the sign this would not let me update my own scene! the only thing it said was "you are not authorized to edit this scene" if you can fix this please do
it was hard but I finally did it.
and the funny thing was I never intended it to be apersonal message, just a way of giving credit oops.
also this scene is halarious
does a voting scene include a marble race or something that is complete in it's self and saying, in the discription "what should I make next?, vote in the comments!"?
When I used this the + and - keys would not light up.
no Ken3344, this is cold, cold hard statistics of the corona virus D-:
why does this have my pie chart pie chart picture on it or is it just my computer?
may I use this
Mr. COW ):
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