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Power is usually pretty easy to fix.
Make the bullets bigger as well.
I really don't like it too much because it is just some scripting with a texture over it.
Last edited at 2009/04/05 18:05:40 by ioncann0ns
Oh, well since I didn't know... to late! I stealed it to my computer.:P
PLEASEEE Make sure I know when you want to enter.
When you didn't post on the forums, I almost didn't find this.
You can change the screenshot you know, its based on where you save it.<_<

Other than that, fairly accurate and a unique concept. With a bit more time put into this, I can see something beautiful coming from it... like a rainbow... but deadlier...
Last edited at 2009/04/07 03:49:08 by ioncann0ns
Lol, nice back story. Can't wait to see the updates.
I saw something just like this in a few other places....
You should join the phun forums. (Mainly cause I need to PM you something.)
errpoh please join the phun forums.
Most of the users of phunbox have a forum account and I really need to PM you something.
The english made no sense and I don't speak whatever language that happens to be...
Good scene tho!
C&C Renegade FTW
Lol, quite the spin on the website destroying scenes.
I work so well in this scene! XD
it could be better...
This is insanity...
And? What's wrong with directional controllers?
Great, but next time use the edit button on your previous scene.
I find it funny that everyone thinks space is totally devoid of gasses. I don't see where the moon can't have wind currents.
Dang... you have a powerful mother.
Lol, I still can't get over that you have the highest "scenes uploaded" count on phunbox but when I click your username, it says you don't exist.
It's spelled Aerial Elite, but we would love to have you.
Contact me if you want to join!
I am debating on using the NGnes as an alternative to the controllers, so don't rate it down juuust yet! It should be fixed soon.
Considering yours has limited to no weapons thus far...
That is really cool, doesn't work all the time though.

With the collab I don't think the maps are large enough to have it constantly moving forward, so all the jets have to be pretty much VTOL and have the ability to use it at any time.
In the Middle East Collab.

We use a fake monetary system.

It does work. He simply made a typo.

Control: A/S/D

It could stand a bit more work.
Suspension needs a bit more in the way of dampening and one of the wheel textures isn't centered.

Breakability would be like the icing on the cake.

Good try, hopefully you'll take some of my suggestions and update it.
Last edited at 2009/05/19 03:32:45 by ioncann0ns
It has a few things that could be tweaked and fixed.
I liked how it didn't move when the engine was off and how the hood wiggled a little when it was on.

I don't see why people should downvote this unless you copied it.

7/10 sounds about right.
In case you want to see, I made an RA3 Soviet V4 launcher a while back with 4.22.
I don't know how well it works on 5.28
Phun is fun.
The Critic, I noticed you registered on the middle east collab forums and are posting scene such as this that could apply to it. If you wish to join you need to post in the "collab" section of the PHUN forums, under "Middle East Collab".
Yes! YES!! Faster! FASTER! Harder!!!:devil::devil: 9/10!:lol:
That's what she said...
Last edited at 2009/05/26 02:25:45 by ioncann0ns
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