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42flowermaster - the part after the part where you have to alternate between left click and right click the only block you can wall jump on is a lava block, so when you try to wall jump you can't, and its too tall to jump up normally
to be more specific, i'm talking about level 24
Made one! just search up JXAlgodoo and it will appear
mObSkEtBaLl Is HuRtInG tHe MoBs (Joke)
really fun to watch marbles spin arround
Just one thing to point out, When you touch a lava brick (the red bricks) or press 'r' you respawn at your most recent checkpoint, but if you fall into the void, you teleport back to the beginning instead of your most recent checkpoint
Nevermind, this void problem only affected the previous ones you made, in this one if you fall into the void you fall endlessly until you press 'r'
On the side of which tower? ToJ or ToT?
Nevermind, I saw the button
CYMK vs RBY vs RBG, which do you think is best?
the escalators were broken for me
except the last 2 ones
pinecone be BIG now

also popsicle was first, boombox 2nd, baguette third, party hat 4th, boat 5th, scissors 6th, shieldy 7th, pear 8th, strawy 9th, big fat chicken 10th, chocolatey 11th, shelly 12th, pizza 13th, hot dog 14th, and pinecone 15th
water falls onto grass so they instantly lose most of the time
just wondering, what does "jumpgana" mean? cuz aren't these hirigana? or is jumpgana some sort of mix on hirigana?
oh ok
maybe it takes awhile to get a new country onto the map
make a heptagon
I got stuck at the tree part in the difficult section
how does it work?
I think I figured out how it works.

So if you zoom out, you will see a contraption, and so the ones with green circles, you drag the blue squares back and then realease them to move the magnet thing. The left circle moves the magnet to the right side, the middle circle moves it to the middle, and the right circle moves it to the left side. To pick up and let go of the blocks, go to the tan circle, and use the rotate tool to rotate it so that the blue rectangle going down is hit by the small yellow circles.

This is probrably really confusing, but this is basically what I found out. I am also not sure if there is a way to do this stuff automatically but i'm not sure how to.
Doesn't an algodecathlon only have 10 athletes and not 12?
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