Author: j-dewd Group: Default Filesize: 65.56 kB Date added: 2010-11-18 Rating: 8.3 Downloads: 11559 Views: 6237 Comments: 22 Ratings: 16 Times favored: 7 Made with: Phun Tags: I approve, complex
EDIT: 15c, Better extraction
EDIT: Added removable mags on request, I didn't originally intend on taking requests but since it still is as reliable as before and because having more rounds is nice, I added it. No boltcatch though, they always break. Release the mag by draging the lever under the trigger guard to the right.
EDIT: Updated some minor shit again, better reliability, also, now looks like the stg.44 a bit. The up and down arrows can now be used to change firemodes if you're too lazy to use the drag tool. Down for full auto and up for semi.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: Uploaded v.12 with full auto, turn the purple lever clockwise (until its at about a 90 degree angle) to make it go full auto, you can now also hold the right arrowkey to fire the gun
Don't know how this is gonna work in algodoo but here goes:
This is an attempt to make an automatic rifle cycle like in real life, and since i didnt want to make phun lagg to bits by using water as propellant, i made it function the way it does. It goes through all the steps a real automatic rifle does, including bolt locking and unlocking.
Think of this as a sort of "proof of concept" thingy, i was simply experimenting and trying to see if this kind of operation was possible in phun.
Enjoy, and keep in mind that this is still experimental |