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i watched it and made a marble race called marble race part 1
the new marble will in if you chat a color
i made a new one that is better
comment the new marble
awsome! but plz no water. but wate for water park.
gray was eliminated for me
it is my mistake that there are 46 marbles
That is good. But check out my marble races and take somew of the and you will get more views like my newest marble race hhas 25 views.
I mean some stuff
oh it is 6
for me Firey is out
and I like it (not really but good)
yes i have seen alot of your scenes but Rhino is Ravager
i think the one named ??? should be named pastel
i aslo have seen alot of your scenes
6 not 5
can you make a Lime City or Red City?
i like it tho
what are the names of each elements or do they not have names
you used something PeachCandy used. (if you have seen His/Her Pack)
You also need to make the wall of the bowls longer because when I was doing the elimination race for the blue team cyan cheated and you mispelled elimination.
i think i difficulty of each color
White: basic
Lime: easy
Yellow: normal
Orange: hard
Red: hardcore
Purple: almost impossible
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