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Just a bunch of textures with a crude hitting thing.
It seems to me that it just uses the spring to propel itself upwards and jerks around with 0 damping to make it seem like its ascending because of the wings.
I loved your use of sequencing, the only problems would be if you press L twice before shooting then it stuffs up, and the bullets dont come out straight, they tend to tumble. Besides that, 8/10 for me aswell.
Haha, that is awesome!
I like it how it has so many neat and ordered pieces:)
Only problem is its sensitivity, it sometimes will just explode for no reason. :

Seems kinda pointless
And its natural to want to take something apart to see inside. Seriously dude, calm down.

0/10 for being so aggressive.
You're meant to showcase your creations on Phunbox, not have a cry.
The second last was the best, since it was the only biped that balanced.
This is possibly the worst invention i have every seen on phunbox.

Please tell me this wasnt a serious attempt.
Seriously, is this a joke?

wrong scene?
You need the latest version of phun which has immortal objects.
Wow, 5 posts in a row.
Yeah, extra zero and i way to modify its angle while its flying
Whenever i used it the spring box would fly around and not get deleted. But when i gave the springs 1.000 strength worked properly. It must have to do with our different frame rates.
Last edited at 2009/05/20 09:34:11 by Ravenplucker
It just flew up and spun around.

Stacked boxes?

you sound really up yourself
Hehe, i love it how it takes off.
Would I be able to donate a guy to the terrorist forces?:D
Its not very realistic

I see no penis :huh:
I quite liked it! Different from most catapults
What was up with the map being tilted wierdly?
You are my GOD
Ahh crap, forgot a collision, don't look at this:)
Thanks =)

If you examine the bullet and firing mechanism you can see how its works.
Good, and I like the concept. The only problem is that once it it accelerates it forces lots of fuel down into the thruster, which causes it to generate tonnes more thrust.
I've always wanted to see Hannah Montana in a blender...
Any comments?
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