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i just realized that my description sort of puts me at the wrong side of the algodoo/phun war going on right now.
Shame on you anti-algodoo people.
Phun would have been abandoned long ago if Emil didn't have a way he could make money off it. If you love phun so much like i did you should look forward to the opportunity to support its development.
Last edited at 2009/09/14 19:19:04 by Roast Beef
you actually have i decided a while ago to try and stop being a total asshole and on my original account Sean Silberman i had many enemies. I made a new account to try and shed some of the negativity people felt towards Sean Silberman.
wasn't even a little bit cool...
did you get this from a flash cartoon? if so you absolutely have to send me the url
i have been looking for it for years (no joke)
absolute trash
anyone with a wrist could make this
however it takes a special kind of stupid to upload it and think its good
very good
its because of the friction being so high
also since its powered by hinges its a worthless energy source since in real life you would have to power ALL those hinges in order to run a singer turbine.
both you and this scene is stupid
PS the world is a better place without him
i made the ball red and it stopped working:)
well this fucking sucks but you put a smile on my face so i give you a 3
this pisses me off because the original upload is now further down the page because of this piece of shit so people see this instead
its just a crafty way of stealing someones work
just turn up the sim speed to about 600 htz works fine then
very cool
your rating down cause it doesn't work in phun?
your a fucking retard
your scene sucks
does that make you happier?
I used pieces of this and someones wing to make an extremely accurate and agile laser guided bomb.
I would absolutely love you if you found the time to make another one of these thats about half the size.
Last edited at 2009/12/09 13:39:00 by Roast Beef
this isnt bad at all
better then the guys shells your using attempt
way to cheat
this is phun 3.5-4.22 technology
get with the times guys...
you took 2 incredibly old scenes and glued them together
it probably took you longer to fine those old scenes then to put them together
so you stole a gun and thought you could get around it by saying you think you made it
seeing as you have made absolutely nothing of any merit at all i am 100% positive that you never thought you made this
The only people stupider then you is people who believe that you legitimately thought you made it
Last edited at 2009/12/23 06:26:19 by Roast Beef
I remember when these sorts of things were first made on phunbox 1
havent seen them in a while
loved them then and i love them now
you make the best guns on phunbox hands down
yauris12 got nothing on you
10/10 always
the only thing attraction does in this scene is keep the belt attached to the drum which isn't needed
turn it off you'll see that it works just fine without it
clearly your fairly new around here yourself
otherwise you would know that phunbox1 was anonymous
also since you clearly fancy yourself a detective you might have also noticed that with the small number of comments and only 1 scene this is clearly an alternative account
but at least you tried
Last edited at 2009/12/23 23:12:45 by Roast Beef
since this bomb only destroys vehicles and terrorists im going to have to rate it down.
this is trash
is it hot under that tin foil hat of yours?
i do like the mech but im going to have to rate you down based on the way you try to whore views.
In the course of a day you will upload the same thing over and over again making minor tweaks just hoping for a greater audience.
Ive made things that if I did that i would upload 37 different scenes all basically the same but with minor tweaks.
I understand you want more exposure but if you don't want people like me to rate your work down just edit the original thing
if afraid its going to be a 5/10
could have been a solid 9
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