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Out of the competition are...
29th- Brown;
30th- Turquoise;
31st- Lavender;
32nd- Dark Green.
My playthrough:
1st Navy
2nd Red
3rd Lavender
4th Lime
5th Purple
7th Blue
8th Tan
9th Cyan
10th Brown
12th Olive (Seriously...)
13th Green
14th Pink
15th Orange
6th Magenta
Thx TheUniqueGreen, I'll fix it.
Sorry if the swastika is offensive, I just run out of ideas for a new leg.
Thank you FlameVapour, it took me a while to make the script but i'm glad you liked it.
Hello everyone! I'm here to ask you if you want me to continue GMR and Algodecathlon. Well, that's all, have fun!
Hello Everyone! I'm here to say thank you for the support. I can't belive this scene reached 78 views! It's fantantastic! Once again, Thank you. Goodbye!
The eyebrows are really wierd... just ignore them:)
That's a big description...
The course has some problems... has you said, marbles get stuck in the bowls frequently and i believe that the 2nd leg is impossible to complete... Perhaps, you should consider watch some marble race tutorials like algorox ( just a suggestion:P ). Hope this comment helped you:)

141 ... That's high number...
Almost White... Best color EVER:D
My results:
1st Blue
2nd Purple
3rd White
4th Gray
5th Yellow
6th Red
7th Cyan
8th Orange
9th Lime
I want Lime e-LIME-nated (It's an old pun i know).
Well of course I'm going with (Olive gets stuck in the beginning)... nevermind
Anyway Violet (with a Black tracer) won!!!
The race has some glitches but apart from that it's good.
Hopefully Olive won't get last... HOPEFULLY!
I like this marble race and, at least for me, the marbles didn't glitched out, so that's a plus right?;)
WOW! the elemination is so good i love it!
I'm picking Olive (when do i not pick him?), hopefully he'll go far.
oh also Navy and Turquoise glitched out, you need to put the teleport a little bit down ( the one that's in the end).
Still wondering what kind of magic script you used at the elemination...
This is blowing my mind ( mostly because i don't know scripting that good)
keep the good work!
Oh also there are two limes
Some exemples of colors that aren't in this marble pack:
Olive-Green, Scarlet, Turquoise, Mauve, Copper, Spring, Clover, Sienna, Olivine, Eggplant, Alder and Chartreuse.
I like this.
1st - Blue
2nd - Green
3rd - Yellow
4th - Orange
5th - Purple
6th - Lime
7th - Red
8th - Sky
9th - Cyan
10th - Pink
Just a quick note that i forgot:
The countdown block belongs to Algorox and the top spinner's script belongs to UltraGamer564.
Thank You:) !
I really don't understand how submitting the same course twice would give me any advantage since Jack will choose it based on how good it is.
However I changed the title so it isn't a submittion anymore.
Still, I apologize for upsetting you and hope it wasn't that big of a deal.
White is dah best colour evah they have to rejoin
I am in LOVE with this pose!!!
CyanRyan, can we still submit even if we aren't on the camp? Not like joining in the camp, sumbmitting just for the fun.
This is actually rlly good for ur first marble race
Of course it has some glitches like the elemination system but that is something u'll get better over time.
Also welcome and have fun!!
How does this camp work?
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