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thanks, possibly i make another use xD
Thanks xD
Very impressive and useful :D i like it! only a question, can i use the script for an CD machine i'm building?
What happened with the Algobox? xd
It has an user's manual inside of the box

I'll upload it unboxed, maybe
Those changes was upload errors that i have with the Video Tape Machine.
Because i use an default scene that has already the grid and 210 Hz simulation. Those upload fails overwritte this one. I will update this one xd

Btw thanks for you help
i've made another version, if you didn't saw it xd
It has an auto-position disc system, the manual is better, it has more mass and doesn't get outta the floor easily (at least you take it intentionally xd)

It still using the 4 speed manual system. i've made it a single piece and it's open-close system is automatic
can i use this gearbox for a scene?
I forgot to mention it has auto-brake, so you only need to press the arrow keys

also, the arrow keys are non-toggle and it spins at 15 RPM, so if you're using the info. disc you should press a single time to navigate between sectors, if it runs out of the slideshow you want to see just press the opposite key

Have fun
This is awesome, something that would be nice is an "read from floppy" command that refreshes constantly, so that could help in a creation of a CD Machine (at least to read), idk if that's possible without overflowing the input sys or if it will be too slow xd
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