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I knew about it and I used it in more convenient ways that you think:D
Also, it make sharp edges, so even after using it, I use brush to smooth edges (or algodoo smoothing polygon program) manually to get best results!
"Look real close 'cause strobe lights lie":P
Crappy net connection, thanks, already fixed!
- So you never played a portal? Then google it's final song Cara mia:P
- I would advice you to listen to floppotron songs (floppy disc reader as musical instruments), that's what I'm calling a NOISE :lol:
So it is not "guacamole"?
I'll give you 10/10 while I'm downloading, because I already know it will be good
I have a nice playlist to this:
Shake it
Shake it out
Shake that
So you want to know position of each point where laser beam reflects? That's easy
I used this technique in my car body factory, so you can make shape with laser, then "print" it out
Open laser script menu and overwrite "maxRays" (1000 by default) to 1 and activate script
Script should have simple counter that goes up when it hit something and store actual e.pos (end of laser ray) into array
After few ticks you will get array of ALL positions laser was reflected

SOmething like this:
OnLaserHit e=>{_data=_data++e.pos; maxRays=maxRays+1}

WARNING: Use small laser distance and a few mirrors at start, or you can crash your algodoo with SO MUCH DATA in array, hope this helps!

If you want more, write comment in my most recent scene or on FB (JakubKubo) discord (JakubKubo) or e-mail (

Note: Please erase this comment after some time your higness Xray so my e-mail adress won't be visible for too long (in case I forget to do it myself)
To Dajnr:
- Are you trying to measure weight of your mu....nevermind we are all very intelligent adults there, right?
- If you tell us what do you need that for, maybe we can help you how to get around that problem
Your scene is in video!
How to detect particle?
Yes cnguyen7, yes I can! is my mail, mail me about what you need, I can program something specifically for you
I use three collision layers to detect each blade individually from both sides
Lasers are pointed from sides like this ---> <--- to find where exactly the blade is, if I used only one collision layer, I couldn't see the gap between blades
---> one blade____space____second blade <----
So if you want to make something hollow, for example donut, make a two "C" shaped object (one will be mirrored of course) and set them to different collision layyers, so laser can also see inside, like this:

empty space____________donut______inner hole_____donut_________empty space
blue laser ------------>donut<-----------------------------------blue laser
red laser -------------------------------------->donut<-----------red laser

I hope you understand my crude explanation:D
Glued object have same bodyIDs, right? So what about forcefully changing this ID to a different one? But how will you get a new, unused ID? Maybe spawn a new object and read it's ID, then delete it
(Like when you wanted a rand function and you had to spawn an object just to get it's random color, but with ID now) )|( :bonk:
Also sorry for my inactivity, I miss you all and Algodoo so much!
So use this concept and make it better! :bonk:
I'm not sure if I made something wrong, but it looks like it is pretty CPU demanding (maybe it is the fixate?) just to get that simple effect, and also pattern quickly becomes deformed at higher speeds, so I'm not sure if I'll use it in the end
(I'm working on larger,yet simple sim truck game)
I think that easiest way to make radar is to make a circles and use this formula:
Which I used multiple times in some older scenes, like helicopter rescuing mission etc.

This is a bit different, everything have to be in ONE object and output is ONE polygon(not many elements), no variables (except I/O), customizable, yet simple to use while being robust/rigid

How it works:
I'm scanning the surroundings, storying it as array and making a polygon out of that, is there and easier way of doing that? I'm planning that I'll use some table of arrays like: _0=[[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]] and then just use _0(i) which I need, so I don't have to generate them over and over again, it should help lowering the CPU usage
There isn't direct array access, so I'm using this trick and magic (sine and cosines) to make it work
I made this in one day from scratch and rewrote it few times, it is part of bigger project

I came back to Algodoo, because I had to make a project for University subject about simulation, and professor knew about Phun, so he allowed me to use Algodoo
I also have a new laptop (for studying of course :rolleyes: ), which is great, cause my old PC is...pretty old!
I even made a prototype of my bachelor degree work in Algodoo!
I'll upload both here, cause I know (at least hope) you are curious to see them!
This way, you will make sure you get new and unused number! I'm clever, you see? :bonk:

If you use random number generator, there is a change that you will pick a number that already exist and glue new object to something, for ex. glue your piston in car to boulder on road...that doesn't sound healthy!:lol:
I used this to make my radar on helicopter, where little circles had to move with moving helicopter, so I glued them to display, but I never tried it the other way

If I will succeed at doing so, I'll add it as response:*)
So there is no undo-delete admin button?
Ok, delete all of those comments, can you also remove those 6 scenes so I won't see them anymore? Because even if they are deleted, I still have them in my list...
Just asking so I won't have 6 twins:D (half of them red)
Last edited at 2021/01/17 20:48:50 by JakubKubo
Xray: Is there a ban for breaking thermodynamic laws?:lol:

S_noonan: What about steel ball texture which rotate back&forth a bit making it look like it rolls
I have two papers worth of notes and examples etc. of code, designs and other things I had to do, as documentary of my project. Maybe it is not visible in scenes, but I often use various tools or webs, for ex. desmos calculator, databases for dimensions...
But those details are so boring it is not worth posting :lol:
Details as having a height of last surface node in memory, so next chunk continue and doesn't make a step (I even wanted to use derivation=slope, but it didn't make much of a change in the end, so I didn't used it),
or the choice why car doesn't doesn't move but everything else goes in opposite direction => high precision, cause car doesn't travel far from origin:bonk:
Just a thing I wanted to point out, hopefully someone appreciate it:lol:
I wanted to add levels, each time you ate mouse, you go to next level
You will have energy bar, quicker you move, quicker you use the energy, and also passive energy drain will be higher each level, so you will have to improve otherwise, you spend too much energy flapping around and exhausting the snake to death (Nice scoring system, right? :y )
My main concern is controls, I can easily make realistically moving snake, quick precise attacks, but Im using 4-axis controller from Arduino and old RC radio transmitter, but I'm really bad at controlling it with keyboard
9/10 :tup:
I like your graphic style, but functionality is not best
Also what are controls? You could at least type:
WASD+QE - excavator
arrow keys - truck
Can I use your vehicles in my scenes? I'll give you credits in description:
"Vechicles made by user: CaminhoneiroXX"
6/10 :|
Tracks are spaghettifying, but they work, I like how the fit sprocket
Try adding density of them, and change the axles via script menu, find correct settings in other tanks scenes where track work
10/10 nice idea of that zoom!
If I use it somewhere, I'll add credits to you!
I didn't know you can order someone to script something for you like this:o:o
I bet that "brachistochrone curve" will win!
Google it and try to replicate it
What is the controls?:unsure:
11/10 _o_
Instantly goes into my favorites!

I have two questions:
1. How did you made, that splitters in row doesn't start chain reactions of endless triggering?
2. How old are you? This is pretty complex scene!
11/10 _o_
If you want loop "for" that accept bigger numbers, Kilinich made a code for that
If you cannot find it, comment under some of my scene, so I'll get a notification about it, otherwise I'll forget:D

How did you find out about this?
widgetID = "AlgoboxBrowser"
I tried searching for some info but I haven't found anything!

Also I see we have same BAN count, what have you done?:D
What's Yatch?
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