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I think the robber want'a to blow up a donut shop because he likes donuts
It was too easy because I'm good at mazes and I did not end up into a dead end not even once
1st fhuhufhu
2nd 😘
4th chicken
6th 😳
The other six were flying into the middle of no where
Are you sure this works because when I click the play the head disappears And it says you lose :c you should fix it please.
Somehow I test it so I cut the rope and then the rope broke and the ride broke and then the wheel I broke it and then it glitch because under the ground then my game crashed and my keypad battery is Dead so I had to restart algodoo athen it crashed again.
The SG grenade lags my game
Pnvv you guess nether so it is the circle bomb because it the circle bomb have less balls but big and square bomb is small but has a lot of squares.
Best scene ever I will rate it a 10/10
You know sandbox game in to roblox I DID NOT PLAY IT BECAUSE SOME FOOL STOLE MY ACCOUNT