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wow! 200 downloads within 3 days!
sorry, 4 days
Hey! This was made of me!
to all other users: check it out, and i have uploaded it first!
sorry, forgot in the description: please comment, if you enjoy
lol, on my pc the stickman stucks between the first two gears xD
cool, not all people can make a breakable car like this, this is a great first breakable car!

(sorry if i made mistakes in writing, i translatet with the google-translator)
please comment
please comment
öhm... ich weiss zwar nicht, was daran speziell sein soll, aber das ist mal was anderes, ich meine, wer kommt sonst auf die idee, sowas zu posten? gute idee, ist wie schon gesagt mal was anderes, eine ausgefallene idee, nichts spezielles, aber was ist denn daran negativ? ich finde die idee, mal etwas anderes zu posten, perfekt! sorry, falls der kommentar zu lang ist.
Cool idea!
Cool! great idea! it is not perfect, but almost! (Hint: make obstacles to make it perfect)
thanks:) (jay, my first comment!)
xD cool idea!
thanks:) but... i don`t want to learn scripting, once i tried it, algodoo was broken and i re- downloaded it. but thanks for the idea! i will write all ideas in the description. (ps: again thanks!:) )
FRA32, I have a problem. i can`t create your idea. i have posted an example for you, title: "Example for FRA32" (it is only an example of the problem, not the fail creation)
ok, thanks:)
i have a problem: my scene (to collect ideas) is deleted. i can`t see the comments
and i can`t delete the scene by miself:(
ok, thanks:)
Thanks, jou`re a genius! Thanks for the idea and construction hint!:)

(I am working on a giant marble collection, when i`m done, i will add 100 special marbles, you can help me (only if you want) to make some of them. just upload all in a scene. i will make a total of 36000 marbles(with the specials 36100). maybe i`ll add a joker too, and then i need ideas... but... back to the cart: i can`t understend why i don`t had this idea! it is simplle and awesome in one! thanks, again! (if there is a random smiley in the text, i hate the automatic smiley detector.)
nope, no smiley in the text. (but that one in the upper right corner of the comment)
uum... i don`t understand Xray`s comment, but the creation is awesome! i don`t know how to rate, but i would rate the maximum!
no, from Switzerland:) (ps: i don`t want to start the scene, it should be art)
ok, dann schreibe ich ab sofort deutsch: irgendwie seltsam, dass wir eine kommentar- unterhaltung auf einer beispielszene führen oder? also ich finds komisch.
ok, when that is so, i will not upload the scene. but i will MAKE it. ps: thanks for the warning:)

@FRA32 ok, mach ich, vlt. schreib ich dir ein paar ideen in die kommentare.
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