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Thanks for using mine.:tup:
What do you mean with it falls?
I think it breaks a bit too easily. But besides that really well done!
Great! _o_ 10/10
In my opinion this is one of the best crash cars on Phun. It looks good and the crashes are great. 10/10
@ igottabombs: Now there is a plane. But actually I am pretty sure that you did not try a crash with 120 mph. When I did one with 50 meters per second (about 110 mph) the ragdoll got ripped apart and the car as well. I don't know what you mean by saying "the body would be destroyed" but I would describe it like I saw it. And testing crumple zones at 120 mp/h...:bonk:
Last edited at 2009/08/26 02:33:18 by EPR_89
I will add the plane. But what car are you talking about?
Last edited at 2009/08/26 02:28:44 by EPR_89
The plane is in the scene now.
Last edited at 2009/08/26 02:34:24 by EPR_89
Well, they are tricky, especially if you try to make them with realistic size and weight. My main aim was to fulfill these two points. The crash simulation should work and be funny. I am still trying to improve it but it is very hard to keep it stable enough for jumps and driving and at the same time avoiding this jelly-like look many other crash cars have. I think my car is a good mix.
I think that the leg movement could be more exaggerated. The arms are OK if you ask me.
Good. I mean great. I mean awesome. I mean_o_ _o_ _o_
Use boxes to make the skin. If you make them overlapping the blood will not come out unless you hit him very hard or breake the hinges. I did it with my ragdoll and it worked quite well. Anyway, great ragdoll!
Thanks. And sorry for this stupid stuff I wrote in the description. I did not get the meaning of plane (flat ground) at first. I thought about a flying object and because of that that you wanted to spam. Well, the problems that show up when you don't learn English as your mother tounge. I apologise a thousand times for that. I am going to change it and also the comments I wrote so far.
I will add the flat ground in my scenes.
Last edited at 2009/07/29 22:49:20 by EPR_89
The arms seem to be too long.
@ furiousman: Politicians here in Germany think this way. They want to ban shooters. I did not vote them and now I'm glad I didn't. Sometimes you could get the idea they never visited the university.

Back to the scenen: It is absolutely correct that peope like destruction. This scenario is especially interesting because everyone knows how it looked. As long as no one tries to offend anyone (for example by putting in a ragdoll that should look like one of the real victims) I don't think that there is any problem with it.
If you don't like it don't download it.
Last edited at 2009/09/01 04:14:51 by EPR_89
Actually it is very similar to the tutorial that is on YouTube already (thanks to the creator).
I simply take my cockpit and draw the body around it. Then I cut it in many but not too many parts and add the big hinges. The rest is like in the video. I just use a less realistic design for the supporting elements. For me the focus is on stability. This makes my cars a bit stiffer and less rubber-like in comparison to many other crash cars. Also, the biggest part of my car's body is not set on "no selfcollision" (good for massive head-on collisions:bonk:).
The rest is a lot of testing and tweaking until it crumples the way I want it to do.
It's really not that hard, just time consuming.
One last advice. Save often and save it in multiple files. Sometimes you don't realise a mistake and continue to work with it. If you can't redo it you will have a big problem later.
Last edited at 2009/08/05 20:22:06 by EPR_89
Before anyone asks this I decided to give the answer by myself.
There are three reasons why I don't add any parts that cover the interior structure of my cars:
1: I'm too lazy:lol: .
2: My PC would not be able to run it (I have to delete the blood already:cry: ).
3: I like to see what happens to the structure during the crash (makes tweaking a lot easier).
Sorry to everyone who wanted a car to look at it. Mine is for crashing.:devil:
Last edited at 2009/08/05 20:34:43 by EPR_89
If you want that it works you should explain the problem so that it can be fixed.
Very nice. I just think that the front wheel lifts too easily from the acceleration of the bike. Perhaps it is too light. Anyway, the mouse control worked very well. 9/10
Ryan135: It happened to me too. I think the reason was that I used an object that had the wrong colission setting. With the correct one I didn't have any problems.
How to give credit:
mention the name of the developer in the description.:coolgrin:
Yay! My ragdoll in action! Try my new version.
Uhm... This is my ragdoll.
What did you do with the ragdoll and my car? The car seems to be twisted and that kills the suspension. And the ragdoll you use as driver seems to be scaled wrong.
I also thought about making the helmet like that. But I was trying to create a working helmet that takes more energy on impact when I did this bike. So I needed A helmet that looked as if it was cut open. The result wasn't a new helmet but a new ragdoll that can be deformed to some extend. Funny somehow.
It looks really cool with this design.:tup:
Last edited at 2010/04/29 10:27:46 by EPR_89
Reminds me of my ragdoll. Just that mine is shown from the side and has blood. Your's is really cool too. 10/10.
@nick: Actually your idea sounds not that bad.
I have a system with 256 mB RAM and it only lags at the moment of impact. OK, overall it runs a bit slowly but I can live with that. 10/10
MI6 Agent: I think you should ask this in the forums, but when you upload a scene Phun uses the screenshot from the last time you saved the scene autoatically. Better make sure that everything you want to show is on the screen.
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