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M for alarm lasers, arrow keys for control, A and S control the stabilisers
@Xray and how many marble races are there?
good scene, a bit laggy:P
cool! can I use this in a scene?
looks pretty good but spell it right please: Illusion
Very well done on this weapon, would rate if I could but cant seem to find how...
How do you make the bullets fire? Do I need scripts or phun?
Srrt it lags out everytime i click next, please compile them into a lagless level:)
Good work on the suspension, was it easy to make? Tutorial?
Much better than many volcanoes out there:)
How do you make the fixated things break?
Hmm nearly 1.5k downloads
Not bad:D
very well done on this level:)
great level, loving the suspension:)
awesome job on this, make more like this with the different levels/vehicles
Thanks for the tips:)
very well done level:)
awesome level as always:)
good job xcept it was a bit slow, so I uploaded a spory version:)
Good work:tup:
good job, would be better if the tyres had more friction and front wheel had a brake with lots of torque. Otherwise very good job.
a good start, the red tracer hurts my eyes though lol
good job, very artistic, reminds me of one I made in MS paint :3 took me 2 days:D
good job, fast too at 37.2 m/s
an improvement would be to add a ruler or some scenery to give some idea of speed, but otherwise good work. Just one thing how do I rate a level, never figured it out:D
finished it but crashed into the wall at the end and accidentally pressed e >:(
good scene:)
HINT: to make the fixjoints invisible, triple click one of them, right click and in the appearance menu change the "A" value to 0:)
never mind last comment, realised they disappear when you start the scene:P
ah right thanks:)
very clever:D rated:)
I'm confused... I should probably learn to script XD
Good scene, perhaps a little too stable for cards?
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