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Five Nights at Ultra's.
@Ultra - Anytime.
But who will act as Springtrap?
Nice! I've made teasers related to this.
I'll be Grape.
Due to Lime's springtrap abilities, he is now Sunny.
And I also forgot to make him Yellow in the first place...
I've already made an teaser for FNAU 2.
You've... you've also made an teaser? GOD DAMNIT!
Nevermind, I chose Lime.
So... mine's the first one, and yours is the second one.
Thanks! But there is no secret in this.
Cyan and Brown failed in Leg 1, and Orange and Blue failed in Leg 2. The other marbles won.
[Insert comment here]
Make Sunny so I can make other stuff related to your OWSAU franchise!
If you didn't know, Sunny will act as Springtrap, not Cyan.
Feel free to use this, Ultra.
One Week Stuck at Ultra's.
A new gem?
You meant game, right?
And here goes the loads of comments.
I know, right?
And here goes the load of comments. This is why Algodecathlons should stop spreading.
Also, they want attention.
How come no one replied?!
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