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5th yellow
4th cyan
3rd red
2nd blue
1st black
268. ugh.
1st Cyan
2nd Red
3rd Lime
4th Blue
5th Yellow
6th Magenta
7th Lavender
8th Orange
eliminated: Salmon and Hot pink
Soooooooo............... Navy wins!?
Cyan and Purple.
to rejoin
HOLD ON, I accidentaly wrote another comment saying Cyan and LAvender. SORRY!!!
Hey Aiden, I am going to at my cabin for all of Easter. I am leaving Friday at 9:00 and won't be back until Sunday, April 12. May I be excused for the challenges over Easter break (If you happen to do any) because I do not have Algodoo up there?

Cyan was eliminated.
Maroon and Extreme Running (check jspero77 for template)
Salmon elminated
no. I mean use the ones like in my Conerstone marble race.
Hey I just realised something. Back in day 1 Navy was 2nd to last, and he might win! Similar to Purple being second to last and then winning Carykh's algicoasthlon! Weird.
Brown (Even though I want Navy to win)
Brown and Lavender
Uh dude, you forgot Pin and Match.
Lavender and Yely
What abou the 2nd leg?
can't we just vote whoever we want????
Or how about this. We vote a color, and that color gets an advantage in this challenge!!
both. also, Jade looks like turquoise.
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