
Algodoo is now available as a free download. If you want to support the development of Algodoo you can donate via PayPal below. You can also purchase it from the App Store with all its benefits. Or, you can simply download it for free below, either way is fine with us.

Download for Mac

Support the development of Algodoo for the Mac and buy your copy from the Mac App Store.

Download for iPad

Support the development of Algodoo for the iPad and buy your copy from the App Store.

Check out the research done with Algodoo – and please cite us!

There are tons of research papers about Algodoo and its use in education. Read up in Google Scholar about what others are doing. 

 If you use Algodoo in scientific research, please cite the following paper:
Gregorcic, Bor; Bodin, Madelen: Algodoo: A tool for encouraging creativity in physics teaching and learning.
In: The Physics Teacher, 55 (1), pp. 25–28, 2017.

Free downloads


Download and double-click to start the installer, then follow the instructions. Important: if Algodoo runs slowly, please make sure you update your graphics drivers!

To download Algodoo you need to agree to the License Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

The newest version of Algodoo does not work with Windows 7, but you can install an older version below.


Download and double-click to mount, then open the mounted image on your desktop and copy the Algodoo application to your Applications directory.

To download Algodoo you need to agree to the License Agreement and the Privacy Policy.