All about Algodoo transport engines.

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All about Algodoo transport engines.

Postby vaidas369 » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:51 pm

I want you guys to share your knowledge with others about the Algodoo engines. Everything you know, that is best and why.
That way we can share information and learn form each other.
Tell all tricks you know, all systems that worked well.

Tell everything you know about engineering in Alogdoo.

Includes Spawn, String, Attraction, Collision, Jet, and all kind of engines.

I will share with you my knowledge only if you ask!
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Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:51 pm

Re: All about Algodoo transport engines.

Postby vaidas369 » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:13 pm

I'll start.
As you may know my best is spawn engines... So here it is.

1. Weight.
We all know that in Algodoo heavy is more stable. But how much to get best performance? Well i don't know correct answer, but there what i can tell.


Piston weight is very important because of a lot of things. Like movements, stability, and power that you get.
In my engines i use like 200 - 1200 kg/m3.
200 is not the best choose but it will do a trick. 420 is more for extra powerful but not fast fly wheel rotation.
For example, if you want a tractor you may use 420, powerful truck or very heavy tank use 1200 or even more, but not too much, because fly wheel of the engine max rotation speed be like 60 rads/s. Then its fine.
But if you want to build a sport car, with V8 and all that, you may use like 320. That i use in my Ferrari F480. You know 380 km/h V8 animal right? So you know what i'm talking about.
And 200 is more use for not-powerful simple car. When you use low density piston the lower it is the bigger risk that your piston will jump off your work chamber.
More density - less risk but remember that. Weigh is weight it will slow you down if you do it to heavy.

Rod - Think that connects piston with flywheel

Rod can be use as anything. Simple box was my first think. If you want to use a box then box density is best with about 3kg/m2.
Box will start slow down your engine if you not accelerate. It is a power waist. Even if this only 0.1 kg it is power waist.

String is also can be used as the rod. Its better that box because it have no weight. So nothing stops your engine when you on high rpm, only your piston friction with chamber and air friction. Best performance string is like that.
Contrast is 5 000 000 and damping is 0.5. The lower damping the more RPMs you will get. But then it will turn to more unstable.
So i use same contrast but, damping i change to 1.


As i said more heavy the more stable. But don't make it to heave so that wont be another power waist. Use about 140 - 500 kg/m2. It is not the same always, like in tractor if your pistons are heavy use heavy fly wheel get it? Is that simple.
Heavy flywheel can be used for more reasons like cross bike that Alien_RG uses. He did it because of when you turn gear on your fly wheel all ready spins fast because of the engine work and have a weight right? Then when he shift the gear wheel starts spins not because of engine power first. It starts because of fly wheel spins and its heavy hell.
Think about that more simple. Light wheel is more easy to stop with your hand that heavy is it? You see, now you get it.


As i said before - more heavy is the better. I use about 3 - 30kg/m2. If its more its starts to be a power waster!

Engine Block

Engine block is the important part! If it not heavy enough fly wheel will start vibrate on PISTON WORK. So i keep my engine block like 12-25 kg/m2.


This is the big one. If your engine WORK-FWORK dont work as they should you will lose power, and RPM's.
Work - well i dont have to tell you how engines works. FWrok - i call this when your ball have to be killed, and dont make any more moves while piston is moving back. I cant tell you how my engine works, i can show you.

All other engine parts that moves also better to be heavy. That is what i can tell from my things....
Now i may be not right there is more guys that do even better that i do like Kilinch, remember drag race contest? He used very light parts and he got so much power in that engine... Hes the man that you should listen to!

I will continue later thats just for now. It is so much to write about. And some thing i just can't tell you i have to show you...
Last edited by vaidas369 on Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:51 pm

Re: All about Algodoo transport engines.

Postby pnvv » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:42 pm

Hint: InertiaMultiplyer. This helps you get more flywheel momentum without having it be huge or incredibly heavy.

In the good old days of before I scripted, I used springs. I found it better to use circular pistons because square ones would do all sorts of ungodly glitches at the crazy high rpms the engines I built ran at. That's really the only way to get any sort of power out of a spring engine, you have to run it at a billion rpm and just let the flywheel do everything.

Circular pistons also work well in spawn engines, too.

Most of my engines are really small but having heavy parts will help on small scale too.

My other specialty is spawn rockets.

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