Can't play game?

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Can't play game?

Postby Aquacycle » Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:49 am

Hello, i was having some trouble with playing algodoo, cause whenever i try to start it it just says something like "Cannot start because your graphics driver does not support shaders, try updating it." so i tried to do that and i now know that my driver is up to date, and this is a hand-me-down computer that can play World of Warcraft so... is there a way to disable the shaders on algodoo?
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Re: Can't play game?

Postby Kilinich » Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:30 pm

You could try prev algodoo version (like 2.01 or 1.85) it will work, but I'd rather you buy new graphics card.
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Re: Can't play game?

Postby electronicboy » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:25 pm

In Algodoo 2.1.0 the new rendering pipeline was optimised in order to allow better performance on newer systems. part of this optimisation was to remove the fallback rendering engines which also had the system which never required shaders. Although this is great for newer systems and is able to unlock a few extra FPS, it drops support for some systems using older GPUs.

The only way to run Algodoo on these systems is to upgrade the GPU on your desktop, or in the event of a laptop you will need to replace the whole system (shamefully). If you're on a desktop, you can buy a new GPU fairly cheap.
In all honesty, as much trouble as this upgrade has been for everyone, in the long run it will be a massive advantage to everyone in the terms of application performance, and this update is essential to the progression of Algodoo.
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