
If you have problems installing or running Algodoo on your iPad, or have found a bug or need in-game help - this is it!


Postby Higloo » Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:04 am

I have found that the Algodoo Keyboard (AKB) only shows the left and right arrows after selecting those 2 to control a motor. The AKB works great if you've a game for someone to play and they're new to algodoo so want a keyboard relevant to the game although it's weakness is when I tried to control another motor using the up and down arrows but they didn't show on the keyboard for me to select as the 'controllers' for the motor. I don't mnow how to solve this problem and don't know if anyone else has it or if it's simply inescapable.
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Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:56 am

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