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Some amazing physics engine Algodoo has.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:36 pm
by emx2000
Read the title. Done? ok, i'll explain.

A good quirk Algodoo has is the way it deals with negative mass. Is it an intended programmed behavior to annihilate e.other and itself on collide? Or is it part of Algodoo's physics engine that's very (too?) realistic to be able to simulate anti matter based on basic instruction sets without explicit programming of intended behavior?

If you understand what I mean :)

Re: Some amazing physics engine Algodoo has.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:09 pm
by pnvv
I get what you mean, antimatter is weird stuff in Algodoo. I made a bomb powered by it once, and tried to make an engine, but it exploded :lol:

Re: Some amazing physics engine Algodoo has.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:11 am
by FRA32
I'm sure that its an unintendet glitch of the engine, since teh antimatter first causes inversion of collision rules, causing the antiblock to morph into mater blocks, and that the annihilation effect is causecd by a(probably) inversion in velocity calculation causing both shapes to suddently rig of into the next universe, makingit look like deletion. But yes, sometimes unintendet bugs can improve something :D