Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

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Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby emilk » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:14 pm

Now we're really close!

Unless something big comes up, this will be very close to the way the final release will look like!

I stated in the release that there would be no further changes to the translation files - well, we failed to keep that promise, but we try again: this final 2.0 release will have these translation files (safe for spelling corrections and the like). And it will have this user interface, safe for minor adjustments.

So, what's been fixed?

=== Algodoo 2.0.0 RC1, 2011-09-23 ===
* NEW: Clicking the pan/zoom buttons in the sim control now also acts like tool buttons. Clicking them twice returns you to previously selected tool.
* NEW: Added thyme command Scene.RemoveEntity, e.g. "onCollide = (e)=>{Scene.RemoveEntity(e.other)}"
* NEW: Added "New scene" button to scene bar where one now get to choose the palette of the new scene.
* NEW: Thyme: Added support for C# style string literals that starts with @" and ends with ".

* IMP: Tool cursor now reflect which tool is in use, not which is selected.
* IMP: Added Sim.stepsPerFrame to improve screen capture smoothness.
* IMP: Plot now draws on top of axis for greater clarity.
* IMP: Velocity component sliders now go from negative to positive 25 m/s.
* IMP: Sizing of axles/fixates/lasers/tracers/thrusters.
* IMP: If Algodoo runs out of memory, it will now try to free up some and then show a helpful error message. You can also manually free up memory with App.FreeUpMemory.
* IMP: Rope color now follows palette.
* IMP: Improved air friction widget with new explanation and correct units.
* IMP: When applying a palette to a scene, each chain will be given just one random color.
* IMP: The current palette is now saved with the scene.
* IMP: Optimizations.
* IMP: Added error message for when user don't have Internet connection.
* IMP: Collision callbacks (onCollide) are now called every simulation step rather than every frame if Sim.collideCallbacksEveryStep is true (false for old scenes).

* FIX: Context menu buttons not filling the full width of the menu.
* FIX: Issue with objects moving while scaling them if simulation was running.
* FIX: Dragging the clone button now places the clone under the mouse cursor (again).
* FIX: Changing palette would not change palette preview or slider colors.
* FIX: Key bindings eating input, denying it elsewhere (especially clicking).
* FIX: Fullscreen toggle with F11 sometimes not working.
* FIX: Bug making it impossible to look at the energy of geometries with infinite inertia.
* FIX: Some issues with resitution=1 leading to energy increase.
* FIX: Spring can again snap to the middle of a circle when the grid is on.
* FIX: Optimized scenes with many and/or long tracers.
* FIX: Floats again always serialized with a dot so that there is no confusing them with integers on deserialization.
* FIX: Closing the color menu when auto-apply palette is set will no longer re-apply the palette to the scene.
* FIX: Objects with 0 and inf friction now has infinite traction (again) to fix
* FIX: Springs from old scenes will now have the endpoints at proper depth.
* FIX: Positioning of side menus to always be inside screen.
* FIX: Restored laser fade distance slider.
* FIX: Issue with serialization of stretched chains.
* FIX: Jerking of stretched ropes when freezing their velocities.
* FIX: Laser events now sent at most once per simulation step.

Download it at

Note that this is a step beyond the previous betas - there is no feedback button or "report bug" button in the main menu anymore, there is less spam in the console and log file, and only people who bought Algodoo can run the RC.

Emil Ernerfeldt, lead developer
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Dare » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:04 pm

Woo! Downloading history in the making, 4 minutes left.
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby monstertje3 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:06 pm

Very nice, keep up the good work :)
thanks for restoring laser fade distance slider and adding scene.removeentity()
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Kilinich » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:02 pm

scene.removeEntity is kinda useless until we can't get entity class object... except e.this, e.other but it's not a big deal.
Anyway, as far as I can see it's best version we have - fast, compatible, stable.
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Nxdt » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:07 pm

Cheers Emil, and everyone else at algoryx!!
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby tatt61880 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:11 pm

Oh, we translators have to work again. :P
I am always delighted to new release. :thumbup:

To translators: English.cfg changelog will be useful. ;)
NOTE: I'm not an Algoryx member.
Hi, Algodoo lovers. Have you read next topic? Featured scenes suggestions
To translators: English.cfg changelog will be useful (even for me).
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby The Linkage » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:48 pm

Woohoo! Getting closer!
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby bozbez » Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:37 pm

Where did the text antialiasing go?
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby monstertje3 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:25 pm

i found a minor bug;

* IMP: Tool cursor now reflect which tool is in use, not which is selected.
right mouse button shows the move tool, when moving the camera, middle mouse button does not :(

didn't notice other bad things yet :)
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Ivan » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:38 pm

It's awesome! Good work!
Also, thank you Tatt for the English.cfg changelog. It's very useful.
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Kilinich » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:04 pm

Umm... sorry, I must take my words about stability back...
A lot of resources and memory leak (at least 3 cases). Hangs with "access to config" error and cursor drawing problem on big scenes. I'll report everything just after I find a simple case. Too bad RC1 is still unusable to me :(
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby silversmart » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:42 am

F11 key doesnt work for me...
does anyone else have the problem???

best regards silversmart aka bluebravo
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Ivan » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:36 pm

I also have this problem. F11 doesn't work.
My OS is Windows 7. It worked fine until today.
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Ivan » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:37 pm

F11 works only when the console is open.
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Ivan » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:54 pm

I there were 2 of Keys.bind("F9", {System.fullscreen = !System.fullscreen; System.RecreateWindow;});, the original one in Program Files/Algodoo/autoexec.cfg and the other in Documents/Algodoo/config.cfg, so it executes the toggle action twice.
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Banjerboef » Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:48 pm

silversmart wrote:F11 key doesnt work for me...
does anyone else have the problem???

I have!
It goes back to full screen, like if I pressed F11 twice (but I pressed only once).

Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby barrti » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:55 am


I've looked at v2.0 rc and can't see where forces and plots can be shown. I read somewhere that we would only get them later somehow. This is confusing because the opening welcome screen indicates that plotting is available??

I really need these items. Its the reason I paid for algodoo instead of staying with PHUN. I teach engineering and find algodoo useful but without plots and forces, Its just not anywhere as useful.

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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Emanuel » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:16 am

tatt61880 wrote:Oh, we translators have to work again. :P
I am always delighted to new release. :thumbup:

To translators: English.cfg changelog will be useful. ;)

Very useful script you have created!
However, it does not seem to handle phrases that span over several lines, for instance between v1.8.5 and v2.0.0 RC1, ToolChain_Tooltip has changed (hinges is renamed axels), but it is not printed as a change.

Or am I using the script wrong?

/ Emanuel
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Banjerboef » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:57 am

barrti wrote:Hi,

I've looked at v2.0 rc and can't see where forces and plots can be shown. I read somewhere that we would only get them later somehow. This is confusing because the opening welcome screen indicates that plotting is available??

I really need these items. Its the reason I paid for algodoo instead of staying with PHUN. I teach engineering and find algodoo useful but without plots and forces, Its just not anywhere as useful.


I totally agree with you!!!
I want them back too.

Check the forum, there you can support my attempts to get those functions back in the normal Algodoo.

The plots and forces are only available in the teacher edition, that means you will also get smartboard support (that most people don't need).

This means that you have to pay extra, for those two functions.
And I don't think you want to pay extra for only those two handy functions.

You are the perfect example of my theory mentioned in the forum.
Because if Algodoo hasn't the features customers want, the customers won't buy Algodoo.

In this case you buyed Algodoo, because you expected those functions to be there.
But they aren't in Algodoo anymore!!!

I said in the forum that many people like Algodoo, because it has those two functions.
And that many people have much benefits of those functions.

Handicaped students, teachers whom teach engineering and home users all have much benefit from these functions.

With these functions you can analyse data over a longer period instead of real-time data only!

I want those functions back!!!!

Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby tatt61880 » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:01 pm

Emanuel wrote:
tatt61880 wrote:Oh, we translators have to work again. :P
I am always delighted to new release. :thumbup:

To translators: English.cfg changelog will be useful. ;)

Very useful script you have created!
However, it does not seem to handle phrases that span over several lines, for instance between v1.8.5 and v2.0.0 RC1, ToolChain_Tooltip has changed (hinges is renamed axels), but it is not printed as a change.

Or am I using the script wrong?

/ Emanuel

I've fixed this issue. Algodoo - English.cfg changelog

This script still has issue for example in LoadingMessages, though.
I'll improve this script, when I find good way to parse files and compare them with.
NOTE: I'm not an Algoryx member.
Hi, Algodoo lovers. Have you read next topic? Featured scenes suggestions
To translators: English.cfg changelog will be useful (even for me).
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby jobro » Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:11 pm

I noticed this at version 1.9.8 already (I dont know if it was before that version) but how do we save Phunlets now? It's not in Selection --> Save as Phunlet anymore. Where is it?

Anyway, this version is indeed the best Algodoo version ever. It's stable and very fast, it eats 1/4 less memory :)
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby silversmart » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:47 pm

Banjerboef wrote:
The plots and forces are only available in the teacher edition, that means you will also get smartboard support (that most people don't need).

This means that you have to pay extra, for those two functions.
And I don't think you want to pay extra for only those two handy functions.

im not sure, but i think i read anywhere in the forum, that you dont have to pay extra if you bought algodoo before

im not sure and please tel me if im wrong...

sry for my bad english... but im from germany...

best regards silversmart aka bluebravo
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby InfinityPlayer » Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:12 pm

I was wondering how many .9's there were going to be before a v2.0 would come out. But it appears you're not happy with that v2.0 thing, it has to be v2.0.0, and on top of that you have to tack on to the end RC. :D Too funny!!!
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Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby Banjerboef » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:38 pm

Everyone on the forum gets a free teachers licence!

This does not count (correct me if I read the post with this info incorrectly) for the people who just bought Algodoo.
It counts only for the people on the forum.

I don't know how it works, because I didn't try it.

Re: Algodoo 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1 released

Postby hiltropper » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:55 pm

nice update , with a big problem for me
first time ever a algodoo version runs not stable on my pc
after a minute or so it begins to lag so much i can't do anything
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