SVG Compatibility

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SVG Compatibility

Postby Someone Else » Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:39 pm

Four parts to this.

1. Ability to export scenes or phunlets as SVG files. Simple enough. I know Algodoo already uses vectors to handle polygons, as do SVGs.
2. Ability to import an SVG as a scene. Either load the file as a new scene or import it as a phunlet.
3. Ability to use SVG files as textures. This is to reduce lag.
4. Ability to turn an SVG texture into its respective polygons. This would be accomplished via the Generate Geometry from Texture button and is mainly for convenience.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It's basically a method of encoding a scene using vectors, so you don't get pixellations or dithering errors when you scale it up.

I also know that there already exists a program that can convert SVG files into PHN files. This, and its inverse, could be implemented into Algodoo.
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Re: SVG Compatibility

Postby tatt61880 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:32 am

I don't support this suggestion, sorry.
1-1. Once implemented the feature, it'll take pretty much time to maintain for compatibility.
1-2. It's mostly impossible to convert phn to svg perfectly. For example, how do you save laser line as svg file?
1-3. If you hope you can create phz to svg generator.

Same above.

This may be good idea, but is this really reduce lag?
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Re: SVG Compatibility

Postby Someone Else » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:09 am

1-1. Well, maybe. I don't think so though.
1-2.I don't really know what information an SVG contains, but I think just turning circles and boxes to polygons and encoding the polygons and their respective colors would do it.
Hinges could be circles and fixates X's like in (I think) some early versions of Phun.
A laser line could be a long narrow polygon. That's all it is, isn't it?
Or, perhaps non-geoms could be ignored entirely.
1-3. I don't know enough about the structure of SVG files or any programming language other than Thyme to do much anything.
But, it's surely possible, as svg2phn exists and has been used.

2. See above.

3. Well, it wouldn't have to remember anything other than color and surfaces, would it? And it wouldn't have to calculate rotation for each individual polygon, would it?
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Re: SVG Compatibility

Postby guyboy » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:03 am

1. I don't see a place for this in Algodoo. I think it would be best to stick to svg2phn.
3. I'm pretty sure image transformation is faster than all that geometry rendering.
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Re: SVG Compatibility

Postby tatt61880 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:50 am

*Phn_output for Inkscape
Both above is what I'm maintaining and I have to say these programs don't give us perfect compatibility between svg and phn.
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