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Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:48 pm
by TC42
A nice and easy contest...

The goal is to get the three "rings" from the peg on the left to the peg on the right in the least amount of time.


-All three "rings" must be be fully on the first peg (farthest to the left) before the rings can be acted on
-All rings must end up on the peg farthest to the right and must be in proper order (see below)
-Smaller rings must be placed on top of larger rings, and you may not have a larger ring atop a smaller ring at any time
-All objects must collide with something
-The rings must be loose, but can be kept in a container

You may not:
-Use geometry controller
-Use the drag tool (well, duh)
-Use more than 3 motorized hinges
-Use more than 3 scripted objects
-Use negative airfrictionmult
-Use +inf, -inf, or 0 for any values
-Have transparent objects
-Modify the challenge scene (well, duh)
-Bundle the rings together (no fixating, gluing, hinging, ect., the rings together)
-Edit as of 4/1/11 2:21 -- You may not set rings aside (rings must be on a peg if they are not being acted on)


-You may submit up to 3 scenes for each scene.
-You can copy other people's solutions, but you must list at least 5 attributes that you changed.
-Please put your submission in this thread; do not add it as a scene response in the algobox.
-Edit as of 3/31/11 12:28 -- If something wasn't mentioned in the "You may not:", it is allowed.
-Clarification as of 4/1/11 12:47--In YMN #3, you may use as many hinges as you like, but only three can be motors, also, things like e.geom.materialvelocity=5 DO count as scripted, for the sender of the code and the recipient of the code-- so that would be 2 of 3 scripted objects allowed. This is not really a scripting contest, but is an innovation contest.
-Feel free to ask any questions, and be aware of edits to this section of the contest.

Spoiler: show
You can move more than one ring at a time!

The scenes will be judged on speed of solution, repeatability of solution, and innovations of solution. Scenes that copy another's will not be disqualified, but will not score as high. All scores will be out of 10.

Challenge 1:

Challenge 1 Leaderboard

1).Nisheeth-- Speed: 8 --could still be faster, Repeatability: 9, Innovations: 4 --kinda predictable, not too many major innovations. You just beat SE because of the autonomousness
2).Someone Else-- Speed: 5 --not the fastest, Repeatability: 8 --works most of the time, Innovation: 8 --see my response in the comments below
3).ags131-- Speed: 7--Not the fastest, but still good, Repeatability: 9--almost every time, Innovations: 3--used an already existing solution

Challenge 2:
This scene is PHUN COMPATIBLE.

Challenge 2 Leaderboard

1).Nisheeth-- Speed: 8 --pretty fast!, Repeatability: 4 --not too consistant, Innovations: 6 --getting more innovative :thumbup:

Challenge 3:
Algodoo only. Hahahahahaha I'm totally not cheating at my own contest!

Challenge 3 Leaderboard


Have fun, and play nice!

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:57 pm
by jakedmoon
Are phun solutions aloud?
If so I'm in.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:05 pm
by TC42
I'll have to make a separate phun scene (the current one uses inertiamultiplier), but yes, phun scenes are allowed. Good luck!

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:12 pm
by Nisheeth
Can we move all the three rings at the same time? Or is it limited to only two or one. and is it necessary to put atleast one ring in the second stick or it can be skipped entirely?

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:28 pm
by TC42
If it wasn't mentioned in the rules, it is allowed.
Spoiler: show
So yes, you can move all three at once, and you don't technically have to use the center peg. But you might lose points for it.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:21 am
by Nisheeth
You said +inf and 0 are not allowed for any value, do they include motor torque and Attraction respectively? or can I set attraction to 0 and motor torque to infinite?

Nonetheless here is my Solution (though it uses infinite break impulse limit and motor torque for the two hinges in the circles and 0 attraction)
Filesize: 63.19 kB

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:11 pm
by ducky21
Just a thought, does infinite break limit for hinge count as inf value?

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:15 pm
by Someone Else
Very nice. :thumbup: This is one of the best contests I have seen in a long time, not like that's a surprise, coming from you.

I have an idea. I might enter, IF I can force myself to actually get some time to work on it.
*checking rules*

Okay, tedious button-pushing it is then. I was going to build a gigantic Conundrumer/Paradigm-ey sequenced contraption. But your "you may not" #3 efficiently prevents that. However, I could use near-infinite inertiamultiplier with preset angvel, and an auto-braked hinge to provide finite torque.

And does the "nonzero finite" limitation mean that I must make all my hinges breakable? :wtf:
If you would let me use infinite +inf torque unbreakable hinges, then I would make a pretty good (reliable, pretty innovative, but slow) entry, which I already mentioned above. As it is, I will only be able to make a robot claw. With only three motor hinges. And no scripts.

And I notice how the scene is entitled "Tower of Hanoi Challenge Scene 1". Does this mean there will be more? And if so, I have my work cut out for me. I will just make a really big robot claw.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:23 pm
by ags131
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 72.08 kB
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1

My entry. Instructions are in the scene.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:42 pm
by TC42
Okay, lots of clarification to do:

The infinite/zero rule does not apply to hinge strength and attraction. So you can have +inf hinge strength, and 0 attraction.

The reason that I set the 3 motorized hinge limit is so that I could see what people could come up with using just density, friction, restitution, attraction, ect. i.e., you can have 786032945710931039472093423532824089347 hinges, but only 3 can be motorized.

Last minute edit to scoring: Bonus points for being autonomous will be awarded, if anyone wants to go for it.

Also, there will be more challenging scenes coming. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:52 pm
by Nisheeth
So are objects using variables for attraction counted as a scripted object? and does adding a collision set to the rings count as modification to the scene. If it doesn't I was thinking of making a version of it that solves the Tower of Hanoi picking up one ring at a time.
I have an idea for making it autonomous. I will post it here.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:00 pm
by Nisheeth
Here I have updated it to make it Automatic.
If it fails [which it didn't in my 10 test runs] please run it again.
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 18.79 kB
Comments: 1
Ratings: 1

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:31 am
by Someone Else
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 41.15 kB
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1

My entry. I would've expected more out of you than to break your own rules before letting anyone even have a chance at busting you. :wtf:

And it should work just as well as it does here with many more "rings". It will require a bit of adjustment- namely, making the two halves of the claw higher.

But seriously. Those rings break far too many of the rules. They have:

+inf inertiaMultiplier.
Invisible parts.
0 friction.
0 restitution.
0 attraction, but we will let that slide.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:44 am
by TC42
It also lets me type in all caps :thumbup:

Someone Else wrote:But seriously. Those rings break far too many of the rules. They have:

+inf inertiaMultiplier.
Invisible parts.
0 friction.
0 restitution.
0 attraction, but we will let that slide.

Just wait...
I'll add 10 motors, negative airfriction, oncollide & onhitbylaser-scripting, more transparency, and geometry controller to the rings before this contest is over :lol: If I get to a challenge scene 7, I will pull out all the stops and break every rule in the book for the contest base scene. :thumbup:

Also, SE, your submission does technically break the rules, but... I'll let it slide this time.

Does anyone want me to post my own solution to challenge 1?

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:04 am
by Nisheeth
You scored which of my scenes, the first manual one or the new automatic one. And you said that mine is the same concept and gave me three. asg131 almost copied my solution {changed the structure) and got 4 ? How?

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:08 am
by TC42
Nisheeth wrote:You scored which of my scenes, the first manual one or the new automatic one. And you said that mine is the same concept and gave me three. asg131 almost copied my solution {changed the structure) and got 4 ? How?

Whoops, got my scores backwards, hold on, I'll edit it. I scored the autonomous one; the manual one didn't work for me.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:34 am
by Nisheeth
Yeah I would like to see your solution.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:47 am
by Someone Else
How did my scene break any rules? The instructions don't collide, but everything that appears not to in the machine itself actually DO. The partly transparent parts simply collide on G, Not Water, and No Self.

Seeing the first sentence in your reply to me:
Holy Sausages in a Sandwich Factory? That's new.

Seeing the thumbnail on Challenge II:
HOLY SAUSAGES IN A SANDWICH FACTORY IS RIGHT! Oh dear... I've got my work cut out for me, don't I? But, I have an idea... that uses 4 motor hinges... but I have another idea! That would also increase the autonomy of the whole system! Yay!

And I second Nisheeth's opinion.
I also say you should go ahead and upload your "harder" scenes, so I can use them to get an idea of a robot for all of them with as little modifications as possible.

And this is starting to look like a new Displacement Challenge. One that's much, much harder than the original.

I like building this sort of robots... :mrgreen:

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:48 am
by Nisheeth
Here is my solution to the second challenge. It uses the same concept a the first one, but works faster and is more reliable.
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 12 kB
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1

EDIT: I am making another solution for this puzzle. So I wanted to make sure that if I use variable for any field for multiple objects [like friction, attraction etc.] will it be counted as an Scripted Object.

And I can make much more ingenious solutions if the three scripted objects limit is removed [though I will use only the basic most scripting, i.e setting up events to happen using onCollide].

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:32 pm
by TC42
My solution to challenge 1:
Tower of Hanoi contest1 solution.phz
(10.17 KiB) Downloaded 159 times

It's an attachment because, well, I didn't feel like uploading it to the algobox.

Nisheeth wrote:So are objects using variables for attraction counted as a scripted object? and does adding a collision set to the rings count as modification to the scene. If it doesn't I was thinking of making a version of it that solves the Tower of Hanoi picking up one ring at a time.

Any object that receives code (like any object with a variable in it, or any object modified by e.geom.putyourvariablenamehere= or e.other.putyourvariablenamehere=). Any object that has a variable in it is scripted. Any object that modifies a variable is scripted.

Changing the collision sets of the rings is modifying the contest scene, however, changing the collision set of the grabber is not.

I may remove the scripting limit for challenge No.7 (only No.7, that is) just to see what people can come up with.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:04 pm
by Nisheeth
I have updated the previous scene in an attempt to increase its repeatability score.
Here it is:
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 12 kB
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1

Please wait for a few seconds it if doesn't put then in their proper places.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:58 pm
by Someone Else
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 41.72 kB
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1

My entry for Challenge 2.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:48 pm
by Nisheeth
Someone Else wrote:
Rating: rated 5
Filesize: 41.72 kB
Comments: 0
Ratings: 1

My entry for Challenge 2.

Great scene. I like the way it turns itself. Though I encountered an error. When I put the rings in the third peg the and pull it out, the smallest ring would fall out

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:36 pm
by Someone Else
Just open the claw a bit, move the assembly down a bit [okay, half a bit], and verryyyy gennttllyyyyy push the open claw into the rings.

I was originally going to have it flip when you push it into the wall, but there wasn't enough room for that.

And I'm glad that you like the entry of a competitor. It makes me happy.

Re: Tower of Hanoi Challenge

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:12 pm
by Nisheeth
Someone Else wrote:Just open the claw a bit, move the assembly down a bit [okay, half a bit], and verryyyy gennttllyyyyy push the open claw into the rings.

I was originally going to have it flip when you push it into the wall, but there wasn't enough room for that.

And I'm glad that you like the entry of a competitor. It makes me happy.

Why can't I like a competitor's entry. A good scene is a good scene.
And it worked now.