Owner? Entity?

About advanced scenes, and the Thyme scripting language used in Algodoo.

Owner? Entity?

Postby UnityDogGaming04 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:28 pm

I've been using entityByID a lot lately to avoid global variables and enable easier cloning, but I don't quite understand what entity or owner mean in the context of readable(owner) or readable(entity). I understand what readable does, it returns read-only information from the object it acts on. Also, what's the difference between entityByID and entityByGeomID? Is there any resource where I can learn about all of this?
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Re: Owner? Entity?

Postby FRA32 » Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:41 pm

EntityByID accesses an object by it's entityID, which is something every single object has. EntityByGeomID accesses entities by their GeomID; which only objects capable of collisions have. Regarding owner VS entity, I will have to do some research and experimentation myself before I can give an answer on that.
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