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the MBT-76-A2

screenshot of the scene

Author: Eucas22

Group: Default

Filesize: 0.56 MB

Date added: 2017-02-12

Rating: 5

Downloads: 971

Views: 179

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Ratings: 1

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Made with: Algodoo v2.1.0


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I have spent about the past year [i think thats how long ive been gone?] designing and building many a tank for Algodoo,
starting off with the MBT-M70
and now at the MBT-76.
Granted, when i did start building tanks, i started by building tanks that were mostly made from other peoples things.
i didnt post these, [because im not going to claim something 99% someone elses things as "Mine"] but i was proud of them
none-the less. and i kept working, and looking at how other things work, and up to the point of designing and constructing the
MBT-73-A1 or so, i had finaly formulated and constructed an entire tank by myself. from the gun to the chasis. and ive been doing it from scratch ever since
This mighty beast, as ive already said, is the MBT-76-A2 Main Battle Tank. it doesnt have a lot of fancy gadgets, however but when designing this i tried to keep the armor as thick as possible. [i have experimented with other armor, such as layered and scaled/fragmented] for maximum protection.
the Gun, a 120mm smooth-bore Anti-Tank gun, [M-120-AT] has five types of ammunition, APFS [Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized] SABOT, HEAT, and a high-powered version of the APFS and SABOT. but i havent included these because, the HEAT round doesnt use an explosive that ive made, and the High-powered rounds travel way too fast to be practical. the 120mm Cannon is not conventional, shells are loaded into the breach via the Drag tool [against the grey, angled bar] and into the breach. when the cannon fires, hold down the Enter button and the shell will drop out of the bottom of the Mauntlet [probably did not spell that right, oh well] and will slide down the front of the tank.
The SABOT shells fly pretty straight, so dont worry about those.
Movement is controlled with the Arrow Keys, up and down to aim and left and right to move. numpad 0 applies the brakes [toggle]
you can move the armor out of the way by clicking on the tank, and moving it to the back. if you want it at the front, there is a little bar sticking up at the rear section of the turret.
i am planning on building a Machine gun, smoke dispensers, Reactive armor, addon armor, cage armor, upgrading the gun, making more ammotypes, ect. so enjoy!
i will post my other creations on here!
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